Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Carnival Restyle - Feather Head Band

During Carnival I was overwhelmed by the amount of feathers in all those beautiful head pieces. I only thought to ask people for their pieces after Carnival, by which time most had abandoned theirs somewhere along the road side. I can imagine they can become a hindrance when all you want to do is jump and wave down the stretch.

I did manage to get a few and they will keep me busy for a while. So here's my first feather project and a Carnival Restyle too!
This photo just made me realized that I labeled the last one incorrectly. The piece there is not a head piece but it was the only one I photographed. I actually used a head piece for the restyle.
This is my first attempt and I quite liked it, as did my sister and little Bunny. I used only what I had on hand at home; beads, shells and cord.
So here's the before and after with my Bunny modeling the head band! ( Posted here in the Project Restyle Flicker group). Check out all the other cute restyles, there are some great ideas!

Island Girl xoxo

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Carnival Post

Okay, so St. Lucia Carnival 2011 is long gone. But as I start planning my 2012 adventure in Trinidad, looking through this years pics made me long for those brief 2 days of pure enjoyment. Here are some pics that I loved, more can be seen on my flicker.

Are you playing Trini Mass in 2012?

Island Girl xoxo

Painting for Fun

Sunday when we got home from visiting "Our Planet", the interactive center I posted about yesterday, we got right down to painting.
We worked on creating texture using dry brushes and other techniques.
And did some stamping using a left over piece of bok choy!

It's always a challenge to keep these kiddos entertained (in a house with no TV), but painting is always a winner. How do you keep your children happy and TV free?

Island Girl xoxo 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Visiting Our Planet

Today we took the kids to visit Our Planet, an interactive visitor center at La Place Carenage. It is geared to towards raising awareness about climate change and preserving the environment. A very informative and unique experience. The kids loved the interactive games.
interactive mat
School starts tomorrow and we wanted to get some fun in before Monday. When we got home we painted a bit and then went to the Marina for cool drinks.

How did you end Summer Vacation?

Island Girl xoxo

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Flavor of the Week - Meringue Kisses

I made kisses! Finally! After many failed do-it-myself attempts and really wanting to do something with left over egg whites from baking lemon Meringue Pies, I got this recipe and it worked. I did not use any flavor just food coloring. They were a great hit especially with my Mom, sisters and Bunny who never had them before. They take a really long time though, I did not expect that, and my oven isn't that large so I was up very late and the last batch didn't make it.
(sorry about the image quality, I used my phone)
Have you ever tried these?

Island Girl xoxo

Thursday, September 1, 2011

What we Wore @ Carnival

On the First day of St. Lucia Carnival 2011, I wore a very simple dress from Forever21 (I think) gifted to me by Joe. Yellow is my favorite color because it makes me so happy, and this dress was so perfectly cool on a really hot day. This is my Mom and I waiting to see the bands go by.
Mom gifted me the frog necklace I'm wearing. I rarely wear jewelry but this one is just too cute.

Joe wore a sweet, white cotton dress with a brown belt and simple head band.
On day 2 Bunny wore a cutie-pie romper that Joe made her few days before. I helped pick out the fabric and it was Joe’s first attempt. She did not even have a pattern! I think she did an excellent job, even though she didn’t finish it. Can you tell?

Do you make your own clothes?

Island Girl xoxo