New Year’s is really the only holiday I “celebrate’ or get into. It’s not religious and it’s an event pretty much everyone can relate to. I love new beginnings and fresh starts. The New Year is the perfect time to plan and set goals and I take advantage every year.
My overall resolution or theme this year is to “stay on top of things”. I’ve learnt that keeping the theme positive has really helped me want to achieve and keep my resolutions. So instead of “Stop procrastinating” I’ll be staying on top of things!
The way to achieve this goal is to plan! Plan! Plan! So I’ve started to organize, de-clutter, prepare schedules and plan (should be easy since I was a Girl Guide for 5 years).
Then there are goals that I set for myself, they are pretty much the same as last years; financial goals, health and fitness, family and relationships, school or study goals and creativity. So I’ll be working out in some way once a week. Not that I don’t intend on doing more, but 30 mins once a week is the minimum. Apart from the craft I do with the kids I want to do more Art Journaling and drawing. Of course one big goal is to blog more! Not just because I want to but more and more I see the need for a positive response to the insecurities of Caribbean Island Girls. So I am going to do my part!
At least one blog post a week!!
Island Girl